Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen

Spine has pine in it, 2017

CLAY’s park

Photo: Ole Akhøj


There are many ways of experiencing Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen’s work and the ceramicist indeed wants the individual spectator to feel free when meeting Spine has Pine in It.

Pontoppidan Pedersen does not have a plan before starting to create and the work evolves during the process. This working method gives a unique opportunity to create out of curiosity and in the present moment. This may also bring about a special intimacy in the meeting between the spectator and the work.

Spine has Pine in It does not fit into any classification. The sculpture has its own language and refuses to be interpreted. There are no clear references to the physical world, no historic or cultural references to help the spectator. The sculpture seems to carry itself with pride. It is what it is!


Pernille Pontoppidan Pedersen, Spine has Pine in It, 2017
Stoneware faience, 171 x ø 71 cm
The CLAY Collection

Donation from A.P. Møller Foundation


Movie: CLAY Keramikmuseum og Tommerup Keramiske Værksted, 2017

CLAY’s park

Photo: Ole Akhøj